Hypnosis & Coaching Services
Hypnosis & Coaching Services

Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy and BrainTap

Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy and BrainTap

Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy (VAT)

(30 min – 1 Hr Sessions) is a sound lounge with 4 bass speakers that are paired with customized music to balance chakras, increase vibrational frequency in your body, and improve overall health. Inharmony vibro-acoustic therapy has been reported to reduce chronic pain, boost your metabolism, reduce stress and anxiety, boost performance and increase focus and mental clarity. Unlock the power of biohacking to optimize and harmonize your mental and physical health. 

BrainTap (BT)

(30 min – 1 hr) is a cutting-edge brain fitness light therapy headset developed by Dr. Patrick Porter. This experience can improve your performance, exercise your mind, and remap your brain to be more congruent with your body. Combine BrainTap with the vibro-acoustic sound lounge for an ultimate experience that raises your vibrational frequency in your body and exercises your brain for complete harmony and balance.

Add VAT-BT your coaching or hypnosis session; or experience VAT-BT on it's own. 

Approximately $1 a minute. Call for pricing and to schedule a session.



Available for purchase here:

InHarmony VAT

Use coupon code: 

Balance05 for 5% off the purchase price.



Use coupon code:

PARTNER100- $100 off the BrainTap Power Bundle and the BrainTap Headset.

BTPARTNER29 -$29 off the first month BrainTap Monthly subscription (makes 1st month $0.99)


Some of the Benefits of Inharmony Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy (VAT)

  • Deeper Meditated State
  • Muscle Recovery
  • Sleep
  • Weight Loss
  • Heart Health
  • Immunity
  • Detoxification
  • Anti-Aging
  • Circulation
  • Relaxation
  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety
  • Balance Chakras


Some of the Benefits of BrainTap (BT)

  • Rewire your Brain
  • Sleep Better
  • Optimize Your Routine
  • Reduce Stress
  • Enhance Performance
  • Improve Meditation Practice
  • Weight-loss
  • Start new healthy habits
  • Improve memory
  • Congruent Body and Mind